1. SIPNOC 2017 Welcome, Introduction and Housekeeping
Presented by Richard Shockey, SIP Forum Board Chair, and Marc Robins, SIP Forum President and SIPNOC Program Chair.
Read More04. Using SIP to Defeat Robocalling
Presented by Mark Lindsey, ECG. When the phone rings, is it a human being or a robocall? The expensive PSTN once ensured calling was too expensive for practical robocalls, but…
Read More07. It’s Live! – The SIPconnect Certification Testing Program Primer
Presented by Robert Kinder, Cox Communications; and Tim Carlin, University of New Hampshire Interoperability Laboratory. This session will provide an overview of the recently launched SIPconnect 1.1 Certification Testing Program…
Read More06. IETF/Standards Update
Presented by Mary Barnes, MLB@Realtime Communications and SIP Forum. This session provides an overview of current SIP and related standards activities underway in the IETF. Conferees will come away with…
Read More05. Checking and Debugging Modern SIP Applications with SALSA Format and Tools
Presented by Vladimir Beloborodov, Mera Software Services. Modern IP-based communications need to be secure for their users. While it is a requirement, extremely important for privacy and safety, it often…
Read More03. SIP Marketplace Ecosystem Health Check
Presented by Rena Bhattacharyya, Current Analysis. This session complements the SIPNOC technical program with a review of the current and near-future state of the SIP market ecosystem. Technical standards and…
Read More02. Special SIPNOC 2016 Keynote #2
Improving Security of Real-time Communications. Presented by Russ Housley, Vigil Security.
Read More01. IMS/VoLTE Training Workshop
Presented by Manpreet Singh, iBasis This new workshop on IMS/VoLTE covers the evolution of the LTE network and its evolution from 3G. Attendees will be provided with a background on…
Read More14. A Review of SIPconnect 2.0
Authored by Andrew Hutton, Unify, and Presented by Dr. Alan Johnston. The SIPconnect 2.0 Task Group has produced a SIP Forum SIPconnect 2.0 Technical Recommendation that defines a common set…
Read More13. Service Quality Data Is So Yesterday; Why Service Metrics and Analytics are the Future
Presented by Gernot Scheichl, Edgewater Networks Call quality statics are now captured by endpoint devices during every voice transmission, but then what? Data is great, but applying real intelligence to…
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