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About the Managing Director

marc RobinsMarc Robins serves as President and Managing Director of the SIP Forum, as well as the Program Chair for SIP Forum conferences, including SIPNOC and the ongoing series of virtual SUMMIT conferences.

Marc has been involved in the telecommunications industry as a reporter and analyst, editor and author, trade show producer and publisher, and marketing executive and consultant for more than 40 years. With a perspective honed by four decades of consistent industry analysis and coverage, Marc is an internationally recognized authority in the field of IP telephony and new IP communications technologies and their commercial applications.

Marc is also founder and Chief Technology Evangelism Officer of Robins Consulting Group (RCG), an IP Communications industry consultancy founded in 2003 that offers market intelligence and strategy; comprehensive marketing, communications and promotional services; online and offline messaging and content development; PR support services; and special event, educational and training services for companies in the IP communications industry. RCG has also served as a producer of a number of special workshops and industry conferences.

Over the course of his career, Marc has authored hundreds of articles and columns for leading industry magazines. He continues to evangelize new IP communications technologies as a regular contributor to mainstream, business and industry trade publications. Marc is also a frequent moderator and speaker at industry events and is a commentator for a variety of radio shows on the subject of VoIP and IP communications.

From 1998 to mid-2003, Marc served as Vice President of Publications and Trade Shows, Associate Group Publisher and Group Editorial Director at TMC (Technology Marketing Corporation). He was the co-founder, conference architect and Co-Chairman of the popular conference curriculums at all TMC events, such as the Internet Telephony Conference & EXPO, Communications Solutions EXPO, PlanetPDA, and BiometriTech. As Associate Group Publisher and Group Editorial Director, Marc managed the editorial and sales operations of a number of leading industry publications — including Internet Telephony® magazine, Customer Inter@ction Solutions®, Communications Solutions®, and Communications ASP®. He was also responsible for directing the operation of TMC’s online business,

Prior to joining TMC, Marc served as VP of Marketing at Linkon Corporation – a computer telephony software and communications board vendor, where he successfully repositioned the company to focus on the IP telephony marketplace.

In 1988, Marc founded Robins Press, a leading publishing, market intelligence and consulting firm specializing in emerging telecommunications technologies and their commercial applications. Areas of focus included voice and fax processing, call center automation, computer telephony integration, and speech synthesis and recognition. Robins Press also published a number of best-selling and award-winning books and industry publications. Consulting clients included Hewlett Packard, IBM, AT&T, MCI, Nynex, British Telecom, France Telecom, Applied Voice Technology, Bank of America, Chrysler, Kodak, and Dialogic.

In the mid-1980s, Marc worked with Harry Newton, the founding publisher of Computer Telephony, Teleconnect and Call Center magazines and producer of the Computer Telephony trade show, as an associate editor and author, and in the early 1980’s worked with Kennan Research and Consulting, performing market research and analysis for a number of Fortune 500 clients.

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