Demystifying Attestation: Getting Your Business Customers Recognized, One Call at a Time

Special Webinar Session
Monday, December 7, 2:30pm-3:30pm ET
Demystifying Attestation: Getting Your Business Customers Recognized, One Call at a Time
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The June 2021 date for the FCC-mandated STIR/SHAKEN implementation for call verification is looming. Businesses need to know what to do now to ensure that calls are treated properly and receive the A level attestation they are expecting.
This high-powered panel of experts will provide actionable advice and best practices for successfully traversing the attestation gap.
Featured topics will include the role of a business registry, Certification Authorities, delegated certificates, and use cases.
Chris Drake, iconectiv CTO, will serve as the featured speaker and moderator; and featured panelists include Phil Linse, Director of Public Policy, Lumen, and Chair, ATIS Non-IP Call Authentication Task Force, Co-Chair of the FCC’s North American Numbering Council’s Number Administration Oversight Working Group, and SIP Forum Director; Linda Vandeloop, AVP External Affairs/Regulatory at AT&T and STI-GA Board Chair; John Marinho, Vice President Technology and Cyber Security at CTIA; and Christopher Oatway, Associate General Counsel, at Verizon and STI-GA Board member.
Featured Speaker and Moderator

Chris Drake, Chief Technology Officer at iconectiv, is responsible for internal and external technology initiatives at iconectiv including emerging opportunities in CyberSecurity, mobile content, mobile identity, virtualization and M2M/IoT.
Drake began his career at Bell Northern Research and has over 25 years in the Telecommunications industry. Prior to iconectiv, Chris held executive positions at Neustar, Sonus Networks, Telcordia Technologies as well as other companies. Drake is also an executive advisor to technology startups and had worked with the Canadian Consulate Tech Accelerator @ NYC for many years.
Drake is on the board and executive committee of the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) and chair of the ATIS TOPS Council. Drake is also on the Cybersecurity Advisory Board for the Pace University Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems and has served on the Industrial Advisory Board for the Security and Software Engineering Research Center (S2ERC IAB) for Georgetown and Ball State Universities through the National Science Foundation.