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SIPNOC 2019 Overview

The SIP Forum Presents:

The SIP Network Operators Conference
“Focus on STIR/SHAKEN”

Hilton Washington Dulles Hotel, Herndon, VA – December 3-5, 2019

Note: SIPNOC 2019 has concluded. This is an archived page that contains information about the event. For more information about upcoming SIPNOC conferences, please contact Marc Robins, SIP Forum President and Managing Director, at


Presented by the SIP Forum, the leading industry association focused on the advancement of IP communications products and services based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), the ninth annual SIPNOC conference is a unique event for service providers and carriers to gather to discuss the challenges of deploying and implementing SIP-based communications technology, and to learn the best-practices and strategies that enable the successful and profitable operation of SIP-based services and applications.

Distinguishing the event from other industry conferences, SIPNOC 2019 is not a sales event, a marketing event, nor an event for corporate positioning.

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SIPNOC 2019 Venue and Dates

In order to make travel to SIPNOC 2019 from points in Europe as well as locations in the United States as convenient as possible, the SIP Forum will be hosting SIPNOC 2019 in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area at the Hilton Washington Dulles Hotel in Herndon, Virginia, just a few minutes from Dulles airport.

The dates for SIPNOC 2019 are confirmed for Tuesday, December 3 – Thursday, December 5, 2019.

For travel planning purposes, you should plan to arrive at the venue on Monday, December 2. The conference will start promptly the morning of Tuesday, December 3rd. The event will end @4pm, Thursday, December 5th, so you should plan on departing that evening – or better yet, Friday, December 6th.

SIPNOC 2019 Program Committee and CFP

The SIPNOC Program Committee ensures that the SIPNOC 2019 agenda is built by a panel of operational experts and presented in a setting that will encourage the meaningful exchange of day-to-day operational experiences.

The program committee reviews workshop topic proposals and draft presentations, helping to ensure that the resulting discussions focus on implementation experiences and best practices relating to deploying SIP in the network.

The official SIPNOC 2019 Call For Presentations contains specific timelines and deadlines for submissions, and well as the various policies that govern the selection of content for the conference.

Focus on the STIR/SHAKEN Framework

The primary focus of SIPNOC 2019 is on the STIR/SHAKEN Framework and it’s role in the mitigation of Robocalls and Caller ID Spoofing, as well as other related topics. For this year’s conference, a unique three-day agenda has been specifically developed for industry stakeholders in the Robocall and Caller ID Spoofing elimination/mitigation ecosystem, including service providers seeking to deploy STIR/SHAKEN solutions, governmental regulators and agencies, equipment manufacturers, enterprise and government agency contact centers, application providers and data analytics firms.

To address unwanted and illegal Robocalls, the SIP Forum and the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) formed the Network to Network Interface (NNI) Joint Task Force to develop standards to verify and authenticate caller identification for calls carried over an Internet Protocol (IP) network using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). The outcome of this effort has been the SHAKEN Call Authentication Framework.

Comprised of presentations and panel discussions given by the experts responsible for the development of the STIR/SHAKEN Framework, the SIPNOC 2019 agenda will examine in detail the work and milestones of this Task Force, and will also include the efforts of various industry stakeholders. With currently more than 200 participants, the NNI Task Force has been meeting regularly for the past five years to define specifications to support SIP-based Service Provider to Service Provider IP Interconnection. The Task Force is comprised of telecommunications technical experts representing a range of telephony service providers and suppliers, both large and small, which serve both consumers and businesses.

Important, associated domestic and international regulatory issues will also be on the agenda, as the United States Federal Communications Commission, the CRTC in Canada, and OFCOM in the United Kingdom, have all endorsed this important work.

The ATIS and SIP Forum SHAKEN Call Authentication Framework consists of a three-phase approach to solving the issue of caller identification, using a digital certificate scheme to “verify and authenticate caller identification for calls carried over an Internet Protocol (IP) network.”

Phase 1 consists of the development of the SHAKEN framework, based on the protocols developed by the IETF’s STIR working group (the STIR framework), and describes the operations necessary for making an authenticated telephone call using the SHAKEN framework.

Phase 2 consists of the development of a “Governance Model and Certificate Management for the Trust Anchor,” describing the way in which entities will be granted the trust necessary to vouch for call authenticity, and the organizational structures needed to manage this process. Specifically, this work introduces a governance model and defines X.509 certificate management procedures. Certificate management provides mechanisms for validation of a certificate and verification of the associated digital signature, allowing for the identification of illegitimate use of national telecommunications infrastructure.

Phase 3 consists of the development of a “Call Validation Display Framework” that will recommend how to display SHAKEN/STIR information to contact center professionals, enterprise users, and consumers.

Who Should Attend SIPNOC 2019?

With a primary focus on the implementation of STIR/SHAKEN and the Robocall Mitigation industry eco-system, SIPNOC 2019 is a special event for operational personnel and engineers from service providers of all stripes, and for individuals that are part of the Robocall and Call ID Spoofing solutions ecosystem, including:

  • Telcos
  • Major Backbone Providers
  • Interconnect and Wholesale Solution Providers
  • ISPs
  • ITSPs (Internet Telephony Service Providers)
  • Cable Operators
  • Hosted and Managed Service Providers
  • Wireless Network Operators
  • International PTTs
  • Enterprises
  • Contact Center Operators
  • Data Analytics Companies
  • Government Agencies and Regulators

SIPNOC 2019 Conference Topics

SIPNOC 2019 features a primary focus on issues critical to the reliable and successful deployment and operation of STIR/SHAKEN in today’s IP-based network environments, as well as associated topics including discussion of the ramifications of regulatory and legislative actions and critical security issues.

SIPNOC 2019 will present an agenda over the course of three days that includes a combination of special keynotes, presentations and panel discussions — an agenda designed to address the most important STIR/SHAKEN-related topics for today’s network operator.

Sessions, panel discussions and BOFs will focus on topics such as:

  • Status and Overview of the SIP Forum/ATIS Joint NNI Task Force
  • Overview of the STIR/SHAKEN Framework
  • Status of the Secure Telephone Identity Governance Authority (STI-GA)
  • Important Certificate Management Considerations and Procedures
  • Operational Aspects of the Policy Administrator (STI-PA)
  • Considerations Surrounding Delegated Certificates
  • Robocall Regulatory Super-Session – Current Legislative Actions and Their Ramifications
  • The State of International Adoption of STIR/SHAKEN
  • Call Validation Display Framework
  • Enhanced CNAM and Rich Call Data
  • Requirements of the Financial Services Industry
  • Requirements of the Health Care Industry
  • Requirements of the Utilities Industry
  • STIR/SHAKEN Emergency Calling (e911) Security Strategies and Solutions
  • The State of Call Analytics Super-Session: Panel Discussion and Solutions Showcase
  • STIR/SHAKEN Deployment Best-Practices
  • Service Provider Case Studies (Verizon, Comcast, AT&T, T-Mobile)
  • Considerations for Management, Performance and Troubleshooting
  • Government Agency Use Cases and Requirements
  • Challenges and Opportunities for Implementing STIR/SHAKEN with Enterprise Customers
  • Contact Center Requirements
  • Track and Trace Issues and Considerations
  • Hacking STIR/SHAKEN: A White Hat Security Analysis
  • Interconnection and Access Reform Challenges
  • Database Compliance Challenges in the Age of STIR/SHAKEN
  • Re-Assigned Number Database Issues and Considerations

Explore the SIPNOC 2019 Agenda and Schedule of Events here.

SIPNOC 2019 Speaker Lineup

SIPNOC 2019 is proud to have the following individuals share their knowledge and expertise, including:

  • Lulia Ann Barakat, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Verizon
  • Mary Barnes, Senior Advisor, Industry Solutions, iconectiv; Director, SHAKEN PMA; Director, SIP Forum
  • Peter Brown, Director, Product Management, Metaswitch
  • Dr. Eric Burger, Assistant Director for Telecommunications and Cybersecurity, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President; and Research Professor of Computer Science, Georgetown University
  • Farhan Chughtai, Director, Policy and Advocacy,  USTelecom
  • Mark Collier, CTO, SecureLogix
  • Mark B. Cooper, President and Founder, PKI Solutions
  • Jim Dalton, CEO, TransNexus
  • Martin Dolly, Lead Member Technical Staff, Core & Government/Regulatory Standards, AT&T; Co-Chair of the SIP Forum / ATIS Joint NNI Task Force; and Director, SIP Forum
  • Paul Florack, Vice President, TSD Product Management, TNS
  • Brian Ford, Senior Regulatory Counsel, NTCA
  • Julie Fowler, Senior Sales Engineer Architect, First Orion
  • Bogdan-Andrei Iancu, OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
  • Jimmie Joaquin, Engineering Manager, Frontier
  • Andrew Jurczak, Principal Member of Technical Staff, AT&T
  • Lavinia Kennedy, Director of Product Management, TNS
  • Chia-Chang Li, Senior Principal Engineer, Comcast
  • Mark Lindsey, MTS, ECG
  • Philip Linse, Director of Public Policy, CenturyLink
  • John Marinho, Vice President Technology and Cyber Security, CTIA
  • Mick Moss, Sr. Product Manager – Communications Solutions, Neustar
  • Jonathan Nelson, Director of Product Management, Hiya
  • Dr. Jason Nordhaus, Chief Scientist, Soleo Communications
  • Chris Oatway, Associate General Counsel, Verizon
  • Jon Peterson, Fellow and VP, Neustar
  • Russ Penar, Principal Service Engineer, Microsoft
  • Ken Politz, Product Management Director, Neustar
  • Doug Ranalli, Founder and VP Products & Strategy, Netnumber
  • Gary Richenaker, Principal Solutions Architect, iconectiv
  • Kevin Riley, CTO & EVP, Advanced R&D, Ribbon Communications
  • Marc Robins, President and Managing Director, SIP Forum, and SIPNOC Program Chair
  • Mike Romano, Sr. Vice President – Industry Affairs & Business Development, NTCA
  • Kevin Rupy, Attorney at Law, Wiley Rein LLP
  • Jacques Sarrazin, President and CEO of the Canadian Local Number Portability Consortium (CLNPC), and President, CST-GA
  • Joe Scivicque, Principal Architect, CenturyLink
  • Gaurav Sharma, Engineering, Neustar
  • Richard Shockey, Chairman of the Board, SIP Forum and Principal, Shockey Consulting
  • Linda Vandeloop, AVP External Affairs/Regulatory, AT&T and Chair, STI Governance Authority
  • Chris Wendt, Principle Architect, IP Communications and Services, Comcast; Co-Chair of the SIP Forum / ATIS Joint NNI Task Force; and Director, SIP Forum

View the full SIPNOC 2019 agenda.

Attending Companies and Organizations

While the international carrier and service provider community is the lynchpin of the SIPNOC conferences, industry stakeholders involved in major SIP initiatives such as network equipment vendors, government agency representatives, large enterprise network operators and academic research organizations are also encouraged to attend.

The three-day conference, which focuses on the challenges and opportunities related to the deployment of SIP-based services in global service provider networks, has attracted technical leadership from MSOs and carriers from North America, South America and Europe including Accent Communications, ADP, Airespring, Allstream, AT&T, Approved Networks, Armstrong Utilities, babyTel, Baltimore-Washington Telephonone Company, Bandwidth, Bell Canada, Bluetone Communications, Brighthouse Networks, British Telecom, Broadvox, CableOne, Cablevision, Centracom, CDK Global, Centurylink, Cincinnati Bell, Cinchcast, Charter Communications, Cologix, Comcast, Consolidated Telecom, COX Communications, Deutsch Telecom, Dialpad, E Street Communications, Evolve IP, Frontier Communications, Global Crossing, GRUPO GTD, Hargray Communications, iBasis, IDT, IntelliVerse, Lanck Telecom, Level 3, Livevox, LINX America, LogMeIn, Lumos Networks, MarcaTel, Megapath, MTS Allstream, Nextel, Optimum Lightpath, One Access Networks, Orange, Purple Communications, RingCentral, Rogers, SDN Communications, Shentel, Socket Telecom, Soleo Communications, Somos, Sorenson Communications, Sprint, Swisscom, Telefonica, Telmex, TelNet Worldwide, Time Warner Cable, TDS Telecom, Telefonica International Wholesale Services, XConnect Networks, XO Communications, Uni-tel, Verizon, Videotron, Vonage, Voxbone, Vocalocity, WDT, Windstream, and Ziggo.

In addition to carrier participants, SIPNOC has also attracted a myriad of SIP community stakeholders from vendors, governments and research organizations such as Alorica, Amazon, Apple, ATIS, AudioCodes, Avaya, BlueAlly, Broadsoft, CableLabs, California State University, Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), CaptionCall, Cequint, Cisco Systems, Columbia University, Commetrex, CounterPath, CTIA, Democon, Dialogic Corporation, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Dialog Technology, DISA (U.S. Defense Information Services Agency), ECG, Edgewater Networks, EGH, Equinox Information Systems, Ericsson, U.S. Federal Communications Commission, First Orion, Frequentis AG, GENBAND, Georgetown University, Hiya, Huawei Technologies, iconectiv, Illinois Institute of Technology, Ingate Systems, ISOC, LogMeIn, LucidTech, Metaswitch, Microsoft, MITRE, Neustar, Netmaker Communications, New York Department of State, NICE Incontact, Noble Systems, Nuance Communications, Numeracle, Penn State University, Polycom, Professional Association for Customer Engagement (PACE), Oracle, Redshift Networks, REVE Systems, Ribbon Communications, Sangoma Technologies, Sansay, SecureLogix, Siemens, snom, Sonus Networks, TelcoBridges, TeleStax, Teraquant, TNSI, TransNexus, Unify, University of New Hampshire Interoperability Laboratory, University of Virginia, U.S. Dept of Transportation, U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), USTelecom Association, and Vigilsec.

SIPNOC 2019 Conference Schedule

Below is a “Quick-Glance” truncated Schedule of Events which lists the general start and end times of the main conference events. The Full SIPNOC 2019 Conference Agenda and Schedule of Events can be found here.

Event Date
Sponsor Setup 02 December 2019 – 5pm-7pm
SIPNOC 2019 Attendee Welcome Reception 03 December 2019 – 7:00pm-10:00pm
SIPNOC 2019 General Session – Day 1 03 December 2019 – 8:00am-5:30pm
SIPNOC 2019 “Beer and Gear” Reception 04 December 2019 – 7:00pm-10:00pm
SIPNOC 2019 General Session – Day 2 04 December 2018 – 8:00am-5:30pm
SIPNOC 2019 General Session – Day 3 05 December 2019 – 8:00am-4pm
SIPNOC 2019 Ends 05 December 2019 – 4:00pm

Conference Registration

Registration for SIPNOC 2019 is Open!

Regular All-Access Conference Pass: The regular “All-Access” SIPNOC 2019 conference registration fee is $1295, and includes access to all three days of General Session conference proceedings. This “all-inclusive” fee also includes networking-friendly breakfasts, lunches and break refreshments and snacks, and special networking receptions the first and second nights of the event!

Full Member All-Access Pass: Individuals from SIP Forum Full Member companies save $200 on an All-Access Pass. Please note that in order to qualify for this rate, you must be employed by a SIP Forum Full Member company. If you qualify, please send an email to to obtain the exclusive Full Member registration access code.

Gov’t/Military Employee All-Access Pass: Individuals who work for government agencies or the military are entitled to a special savings of $400 on the All-Access Pass (for a total fee of $895). Please send an email to to request the exclusive Gov’t/Military registration access code.

Day 1 Pass: Just want to attend the first day of proceedings? No problem! Simply select this registration type, with an associated fee of $695. Also includes access to the SIPNOC 2019 Attendee Welcome Reception the evening of December 3rd.

Day 2+3 Pass: Select this option if you are interested in attending the second and third days of proceedings, with an associated fee of $1095. This pass also includes networking-friendly meals and breaks, and access to the Beer and Gear Networking Dinner reception the evening of December 4th.

Please visit to register. Note that a new browser page will open taking you to our registration application powered by Regonline.

For your reference, the SIPNOC 2019 Regonline registration form options include:

  • Regular All-Access Attendee – $1295
  • Full Member All-Access Attendee – $1095
  • Gov’t/Military All-Access Attendee – $895
  • Day One Only – $695
  • Day Two and Three Only – $1095

SIPNOC 2019 Hotel Reservations

The SIP Forum has negotiated a nicely discounted room rate of $139/night at the four-star Hilton Washington Dulles Hotel. This rate includes free in-room WiFi Internet access, self-parking, and shuttle bus service to and from the airport!

The hotel shuttle bus begins its runs at 5:15 am – 12:30 am, and picks up passengers at the airport on the hour and half-hour at curb 2A and 2H. For trips back to the airport, the shuttle leaves the hotel at the 15’s and 45’s of each hour.

Due to high demand, the cut-off date to receive the SIPNOC 2019 Room Block rate has been extended to November 22, 2019.  Please note that reservation requests made after the cut-off date will be based on availability at the hotel’s prevailing rates.

To reserve your stay at the Hilton Washington Dulles Hotel, please click the following link to make your online reservations:

To reserve your stay at the Hilton Washington Dulles Hotel by phone, please call the Hilton reservation number at 1-800-HILTONS (toll-free number for U.S. callers), or 1-703-478-2900 for International callers, and mention that you are booking a room for SIPNOC 2019.

SIP Forum Full Member Sponsorship Discounts

Special Full Member-only discounts will be offered for a variety of special SIPNOC 2019 sponsorship packages.

Please contact Marc Robins, SIP Forum President and Managing Director, directly at or call +1-203-829-6307 for more information and to take advantage of these special offers.

SIPNOC 2019 Sponsors

We are very proud to have the following companies help support SIPNOC 2019 through their generous support as event sponsors:

SIPNOC 2019 Diamond Sponsors

iconectiv, the authoritative partner of the communications industry, has signed the agreement to serve as U.S. Secure Telephone Identity Policy Administrator (STI-PA) for the FCC-endorsed ATIS-SIP Forum SHAKEN (Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs) — the industry-wide solution to mitigate illegal robocalls and help consumers once again trust their calling number displayed on their caller ID.

As policy administrator, iconectiv serves in an operational role and has been selected by the industry led Secure Telephone Identity Governance Authority (STI-GA) Board to apply and enforce the rules defined for the SHAKEN framework. These rules specify a practical mechanism for service providers to authenticate calls and let consumers know that the telephone number displayed on the caller ID is accurate.  As the policy administrator, iconectiv will confirm which service providers are authorized to request certificates and review and approve Certificate Authorities to issue them. For more information about iconectiv, please visit

Nobody likes fraudulent robocalls. That’s why Comcast is excited to announce that Comcast and A&T have taken an important step forward to address the problem – an exchange of authenticated calls between two separate providers’ voice networks that is believed to be the nation’s first.

This milestone helps pave the way for AT&T and Comcast to begin offering authentication on calls between networks to customers later this year. Customers could soon start to see verified calls not only from callers using the same provider, but more importantly, from other participating providers.

The test used phones on the companies’ consumer networks – not in a lab or restricted to special equipment. It was conducted March 5, 2019, between AT&T Phone digital home service and Comcast’s Xfinity Voice home phone service.

The calls were successfully authenticated and verified using the SHAKEN/STIR protocol – believed to be an industry first for calls between separate providers.  Comcast and AT&T played key roles in developing and refining SHAKEN/STIR, which is an important tool in the broader effort to combat fraudulent robocalls.

In addition to its leadership role in developing and implementing SHAKEN/STIR, Comcast’s Xfinity Voice works with Nomorobo to make robocall blocking technology available to the vast majority of Xfinity Voice customers. Customers can sign up to use Nomorobo service using their Xfinity username and password. Detailed instructions for using Nomorobo with Xfinity Voice are available here.

SIPNOC 2019 Platinum Sponsors

Ribbon Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: RBBN) delivers market-leading software solutions that secure and power many of the world’s leading service provider and enterprise communications environments. Built on world-class technology and intellectual property, the company’s cloud-native solutions deliver intelligent and secure real-time communications solutions for the cloud, network and enterprise edge. Ribbon’s Kandy Cloud real-time communications software platform delivers advanced and embedded CPaaS and UCaaS capabilities enabling service providers to rapidly create and deploy high-value communications services. To learn more, visit

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ), headquartered in New York City, generated revenues of $130.9 billion in 2018. The company operates America’s most reliable wireless network and the nation’s premier all-fiber network, and delivers integrated solutions to businesses worldwide. With brands like Yahoo, TechCrunch and HuffPost, the company’s media group helps consumers stay informed and entertained, communicate and transact, while creating new ways for advertisers and partners to connect. Verizon’s corporate responsibility prioritizes the environmental, social and governance issues most relevant to its business and impact to society. To learn more, visit

Neustar, Inc. logo

Neustar, Inc. is a leading global information services provider driving the connected world forward with responsible identity resolution. As a company built on a foundation of Privacy by Design, Neustar is depended upon by the world’s largest corporations to help grow, guard and guide their businesses with the most complete understanding of how to connect people, places and things. Neustar’s unique, accurate and real-time identity system, continuously corroborated through billions of transactions, empowers critical decisions across our clients’ enterprise needs. More information is available at

SIPNOC 2019 Gold Sponsors

SIPNOC 2019 Association Sponsors

Become a SIPNOC 2019 Sponsor!

The SIP Forum will be providing a wealth of valuable sponsorship benefits and promotional opportunities to companies that become a SIPNOC 2019 corporate sponsor. Sponsors of SIPNOC 2019 will receive the most exposure to the SIPNOC community – before, during, and after the conference.

You can access the SIPNOC 2019 Sponsorship Opportunities brochure here, and for more information about the various sponsorship options available, please contact Marc Robins, SIP Forum Managing Director, at, or call +1-203-829-6307.

SIPNOC 2019 Media and Analyst Access Policy

SIPNOC is an educational conference for technologists and engineers within the operator community to share ideas, experiences (both good and bad). The SIP Forum will have a very limited number of passes for select media and analysts to attend the conference. Selections will be made on a case-by-case basis.

If you are a member of the media or are an industry analyst, and are interested in attending SIPNOC 2019, please contact Marc Robins at +1-203-829-6307 or by email at

Please note that SIP Forum representatives and select speakers will be available for interviews and briefings following the conference upon request, as well as various content that emerges from the conference proceedings.

For More Information

For more information about SIPNOC content, you can access the full conference agenda from last years event, as well as access the SIPNOC Document repository, which offers presentations given at all previous events.

If you can’t find what you need, please send your inquiry to the conference email address at or contact the Managing Director (see above).

In addition, your email address will be added to the SIPNOC conference mailing list so that you can receive news and special updates relating to the conference (don’t worry — you can easily unsubscribe if you do not want to remain on the list).

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