Press Room
Primary PR Contact
Marc Robins
SIP Forum President and Managing Director
Conferences Program Chair
SIP Forum Boilerplate
The following backgrounder on the SIP Forum is for use in press releases and various corporate announcements:
About The SIP Forum
The SIP Forum is a leading IP communications industry association that engages in numerous activities that promote and advance SIP-based technology, such as the development of industry recommendations; interoperability testing events including SIPit, and special workshops, educational activities, and general promotion of IP communications standards, services, and technology for service provider, enterprise and governmental applications. One of the SIP Forum’s major initiatives is the joint development with ATIS (the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions) of the STIR/SHAKEN Call Authentication Framework – a set of illegal Robocall and Caller ID Spoofing mitigation standards that defines mechanisms to verify a calling number and specifies how it will be transported across communications networks. The SIP Forum is also the producer of the annual SIPNOC conferences (for SIP Network Operators Conference) – the Gathering Place for the Call Authentication Community – and a number of virtual conferences including the STIR/SHAKEN SUMMIT, KYC SUMMIT, AI SUMMIT, and the BRANDED CALLING SUMMIT, as well as other industry workshops and events. Other important Forum initiatives include maintaining working groups in SIP trunking, security, SIP and IPv6, and IP-based Network-to-Network Interconnection. For more information about SIP Forum initiatives, please visit:
Logos and Graphics
All logos are with white matte anti-aliasing. You can request an image with a different anti-aliasing background. The title of the graphic is above the graphic itself.
For SIPNOC and other event logos, please contact the Managing Director at
SIP Forum Logos
SIPit Logos
SIPconnect Logos
“SIPconnect Compliant” Certification Program Logos
“SIPconnect Certified” Certification Program Logos
Please note that the use of the “SIPconnect Compliant” and “SIPconnect Certified” Certification Marks are restricted to only those companies that have formally applied to the SIPconnect Certification Testing Program and have been approved by the SIP Forum as being SIPconnect Compliant. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
If you require black and white or gray-scale versions of logos, please contact Marc Robins, SIP Forum President and Managing Director, at, or call +1-203-829-6307.