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HomeNews & EventsSTIR/SHAKEN VIRTUAL SUMMITSTIR/SHAKEN VIRTUAL SUMMIT ScheduleDeployment of Enterprise Attestation Uplift

Deployment of Enterprise Attestation Uplift

Special Webinar Session

Wednesday, June 24, 11:30am-1:00pm

Deployment of Enterprise Attestation Uplift

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STIR/SHAKEN is now being successfully rolled-out to the wider community.  As this happens, Enterprises are becoming increasingly concerned that their calls need to be treated as A-level attested to get a “caller-ID verified” checkmark at the called party but if the Enterprise is connected via an unscreened PBX then this requires the Service Provider to do additional checks.  Does the Enterprise have permission from another carrier (the TN Service Provider) to use a particular calling number?

A number of approaches have been proposed to address this problem space, and all have been discussed in detail in the SIP Forum/ATIS IP-NNI Joint Task Force.  This webinar will recap these alternatives and then demonstrate a real-word example of how a Service Provider can perform this “Enterprise Attestation uplift” using iconectiv’s Registered Caller Centralized Registry approach.  We will consider alternative deployment scenarios to show how the Enterprise ID can be transmitted through the Service Provider’s network to ensure that the calling party’s ID is appropriately handled when authentication is performed at the edge of the SP’s network.

The webinar will cover:

  • A summary of the Enterprise Attestation uplift problem statement.
  • A recap of the alternative approaches:
    • TN Registry
    • Delegate Certificates
    • Letter of Authorization
    • Distributed Ledger Technology.
  • Alternative network scenarios in which the TN Registry approach can be deployed.
  • Demo of TN Registry approach using iconectiv’s Registered Caller Centralized Registry.

Featured Speaker

Dr Peter Brown is Product Manager for Metaswitch’s QCall STIR/SHAKEN solution, which is part of TNS’s Call Guardian Authentication Hub.  He has worked on communication systems at Metaswitch for over two decades, and recalls starting as a software engineer in the days of X.400 mail and X.500 directory protocols.  Most recently, he has been actively involved in the Enterprise Attestation subgroup within the SIP Forum/ATIS IP-NNI Joint Task Force.  In his spare time, and when conditions allow, he enjoys keelboat sailing at his home on the Clyde in Scotland.

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