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The SIP Forum is an industry association with members from the leading IP communications companies. Its mission: To advance the adoption and interoperability of IP communications products and services based on SIP.

The Forum promotes SIP as the technology of choice for the control of real-time multimedia communication sessions throughout the Internet, corporate networks, and wireless networks.

The Forum directs technical activities aimed at achieving high levels of product interoperability, provides information on the benefits and capabilities of SIP, and highlights successful applications and deployments.

Each of our Working Groups and Task Groups has their own mailing list, chairperson(s) and group of contributors.

The Forum is open to individual “Participant” members, Academic/Institutional Members, and to corporate “Full Members”. Individual “Participant” and Academic/Institutional membership is free.

The Gathering Place for the Call Authentication Community

SIPNOC 2024 Presentations Available for Download!

SIPNOC 2024 was a three-day educational conference held in Herndon, VA on September 17-19, 2024, at the Hilton Washington Dulles Hotel.

SIPNOC 2024 expanded its focus on the broad Call and Text Authentication ecosystem, including STIR/SHAKEN, Call Analytics and Vetting, Branded Calling and Rich Call Data, International Traceback and STIR/SHAKEN adoption, KYC initiatives, Enterprise requirements and challenges, new SMS Text Authentication initiatives, associated Federal and State regulatory and enforcement actions, AI technology related risks and opportunities, and much more.

View the Full Archived SIPNOC 2024 Agenda and Schedule of Events, and find instructions on how to view the presentations!

On Demand Viewing of AI SUMMIT 2024 Webinars Now Available!

The SIP Forum is proud to announce that the recordings of the webinars from the AI SUMMIT 2024 are now available for on-demand viewing.

Presented by the SIP Forum, the AI SUMMIT 2024 was a special virtual conference the week of May 6, 2024, focused on the role of Artificial Intelligence technology in the Telecommunications Industry and its impact as friend and foe.

To register for the webinar recordings, please visit the AI SUMMIT Agenda webpage!

For additional detailed event information, please visit the AI SUMMIT event overview webpage.

“Focus on the Call and Text Authentication Ecosystem”

SIPNOC 2023 Presentations Available for Download!

SIPNOC 2023 was a three-day educational conference held in Herndon, VA on September 12-14, 2023, at the Hilton Washington Dulles Hotel.

View the Full Archived SIPNOC 2023 Agenda and Schedule of Events, and find instructions on how to view the presentations!

On Demand Viewing of KYC SUMMIT 2023 Webinars Now Available!

The SIP Forum is proud to announce that the recordings of the webinars from the KYC SUMMIT 2023 are now available for on-demand viewing.

This iteration of the SIP Forum’s acclaimed virtual SUMMITS featured a series of free-to-attend webinars, presented by the experts leading the development of ‘Know Your Customer’ initiatives and solutions, as well as leading companies providing deployment expertise relevant to the call authentication/Secure Telephone Identity (STI) industry eco-system.

To register for the webinar recordings, please visit the KYC SUMMIT 2023 agenda webpage.

For more information, please visit the KYC SUMMIT 2023 overview webpage.

On Demand Viewing of the STIR/SHAKEN ENTERPRISE SUMMIT Webinars Now Available!

The SIP Forum is proud to announce that the recordings of the webinars from the STIR/SHAKEN ENTERPRISE SUMMIT are now available for on-demand viewing.

To register for and view the Webinar recordings, please visit the STIR/SHAKEN ENTERPRISE SUMMIT agenda webpage!

The event’s Free-to-Attend Webinar Series took place October 17-21, 2022 and focused on the Enterprise requirements, challenges, and opportunities related to the deployment of STIR/SHAKEN, as well as associated topics including discussion of the ramifications of governmental regulatory, legislative and enforcement actions and critical security issues.

The event also included a special celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the publication of the Session Initiation Protocol (RFC 3261) – (yes, it’s been 20 years!). There were a number of very special keynotes and panel sessions that featured many of the original developers and pioneering implementers of the SIP standard, including Vint Cerf, Heinrich Sinnreich, Henning Schulzrinne, David Gurle, Jon Peterson, Jonathan Rosenberg, and Brian Rosen, among others!

For more information, please visit the STIR/SHAKEN ENTERPRISE SUMMIT overview webpage.

ATIS/SIP Forum Innovation Delivers Robocall Call Blocking Notification Standard

The SIP Forum and ATIS have announced the release of a new standard advancing the means for mitigating unwanted robocalling by providing a bounce back message to originating call parties to let them know their call has been blocked.

The Robocall Call Blocking Notification specifically addresses the needs of enterprises and others for timely, machine-readable and actionable notification when a call from a legitimate calling party is blocked by the indicated voice service provider due to analytics-based call processing. This ensures that voice service providers can continue to use analytics to block calls suspected to be illegal, fraudulent or for other reasons undesirable, while providing real-time notice to callers. To provide such notification, this standard defines a profile of the SIP 603 response code defined in RFC 3261, SIP: Session Initiation Protocol referred to in the standard as “603+”.

Read the Full Announcement Here!

On-Demand Viewing of the SIPNOC 2022 Webinars Now Available!

The SIP Forum is proud to announce that webinar recordings are now available to watch the SIPNOC 2022 webinars on-demand! And better yet, all registrations are absolutely FREE!

To register for and view the Webinar recordings, please visit the SIPNOC 2022 agenda webpage!

Presented by the SIP Forum, SIPNOC 2022 was the 11th Annual SIP Network Operators Conference – an event that has earned high praise from attendees for its educational, non-commercial and technical content that focuses on the real-world challenges service providers face when deploying SIP-based services such as STIR/SHAKEN.

SIPNOC 2022 was a virtual event consisting of a special series of webinars presented by the experts leading the development of the STIR/SHAKEN Call Authentication Framework, representatives from government regulatory and enforcement agencies, and leading companies providing STIR/SHAKEN solutions and deployment expertise.

For more event information, please visit the SIPNOC 2022 event overview webpage.

Read the Full Announcement Here!

 University of New Hampshire Interoperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL) hosted five-day virtual testing event; Advancing STIR/SHAKEN topped agenda

The SIP Forum’s SIP Interoperability Testing Event, SIPit 33,  was conducted the week of December 13-17, 2021.

View the Full Announcement here!

Organized by the SIP Forum, the SIPit events are the world’s premier interoperability testing events for SIP, bringing together leading SIP application developers, service providers and IP communications equipment manufacturers to ensure their SIP implementations work seamlessly together in an IP network testing environment.

The purpose of the SIPit events are to test for interoperability of SIP implementations, to determine the source of incompatibilities, inform new standards work, and drive refinement of the specifications. SIPits are open only to implementers with working SIP implementations, and the results of testing are completely anonymous – no attribution to companies or individuals, or products or services are made.

SIPit is organized by the SIP Forum’s Test Event Working Group (TEWG) and serves as a “plugfest” for participating companies to perform SIP interoperability testing with other participants in a live network environment. To date, the SIP Forum has hosted 32 SIPit events around the globe.

The main focus for SIPit 33 event was on Secure Telephone Identity (STI) related technologies.

This includes protocols and industry initiated efforts around STIR/SHAKEN in the U.S. as well as some similar and related efforts happening internationally. The event was designed for implementers that wish to test their devices and cloud and premise-based SIP services that implement the protocols related to STI.

For more information about SIPit 33 please visit the event’s webpage, send an email to or call +1-203-829-6307.

For more information about past SIPit events, please visit In addition, summaries of the aspects of the protocols tested at past SIPit events are available at

On-Demand Viewing of the 2021 STIR/SHAKEN VIRTUAL SUMMIT Webinars Now Available!

The SIP Forum is proud to announce that webinar recordings are now available to watch the 2021 STIR/SHAKEN VIRTUAL SUMMIT webinars on-demand! And better yet, all registrations are absolutely FREE!

To register for and view the Webinar recordings, please visit the 2021 STIR/SHAKEN VIRTUAL SUMMIT agenda webpage!

The Summit is a reprise of the Forum’s successful mid-year virtual event, and was scheduled the week of July 19-23, 2021. The Summit featured expanded coverage of International deployment status and considerations, as well as the latest examination of issues vital to the successful deployment of the STIR/SHAKEN Call Authentication Framework and the ongoing efforts to combat illegal Robocalls and Caller ID Spoofing.

The 2021 STIR/SHAKEN VIRTUAL SUMMIT offered actionable information for all industry stakeholders in the Robocall and Caller ID Spoofing elimination/mitigation ecosystem, including telecommunications providers, major backbone operators, interconnect and wholesale solution providers, ISPs, cable operators, and wireless network operators, as well as governmental regulators and agencies, regulatory attorneys with state and federal jurisdictions, equipment manufacturers and mobile product developers, device integration specialists, large enterprise service assurance operations and IT/communications staff, government agencies, customer care/contact centers, and application providers and data analytics firms.

Read the full “Registration Opens” Announcement.

For more information, please visit the 2021 STIR/SHAKEN VIRTUAL SUMMIT event webpage.

On-Demand Viewing of SIPNOC 2020 Webinars Now Available!

Presented by the SIP Forum, SIPNOC 2020 was the 10th Annual SIP Network Operators Conference – an event that has earned high praise from attendees for its educational, non-commercial and technical content that focuses on the real-world challenges service providers face when deploying SIP-based services such as STIR/SHAKEN.

Like the SIP Forum’s June 2019 STIR/SHAKEN VIRTUAL SUMMIT – SIPNOC 2020 was a virtual event consisting of a special Free-to-Attend series of webinars presented by the experts leading the development of the STIR/SHAKEN Call Authentication Framework, as well as leading companies providing STIR/SHAKEN solutions and deployment expertise.

To register for and view the SIPNOC 2020 Webinar recordings, please visit the official SIPNOC 2020 Agenda and Schedule webpage.

For more information, please visit the SIPNOC 2020 event overview webpage.

On-Demand Viewing of the Special Webinar Series Focused on STIR/SHAKEN Deployment and Enforcement Now Available!

The Virtual Summit Webinar Recordings Are Now Live!

This mid-year virtual event, which ran the week of June 22, 2020, consisted of a special series of free-to-attend webinars presented by the experts leading the development of the STIR/SHAKEN Call Authentication Framework, as well as leading companies providing solutions and deployment expertise.

Read the Full Announcement.

Visit the STIR/SHAKEN VIRTUAL SUMMIT event webpage for more information.

View the STIR/SHAKEN VIRTUAL SUMMIT agenda page to register for and view the webinar recordings.

TRACED Act Signed into Law; FCC Mandates Adoption of STIR/SHAKEN

Developed jointly by the SIP Forum and ATIS (the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions) to efficiently implement the Internet Engineering Task Force’s (IETF) STIR (for Secure Telephony Identity Revisited) standard, SHAKEN (for Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs) defines a mechanism to verify the calling number and specifies how it will be transported across communications networks.

Together, STIR/SHAKEN offers a practical mechanism to provide verified information about the calling party as well as the origin of the call — what is known as “attestation” — for the first time in the network. Giving service providers the tools needed to sign and verify calling numbers makes it possible for businesses and consumers to know, before answering, that the calls they receive are from legitimate parties.

With the recent signing into law of the “Pallone-Thune Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act”, or the “TRACED Act” (S.151), by President Trump on December 30, 2019, there is new urgency surrounding the deployment of STIR/SHAKEN within the telecommunications industry.

In addition, on March 31, 2020, the United States Federal Communications Commission adopted new rules requiring implementation of caller ID authentication using “STIR/SHAKEN.” These rules will further the FCC’s efforts to protect consumers against malicious caller ID “spoofing,” which is often used during robocall scam campaigns to trick consumers into answering their phones.

The TRACED Act authorizes the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to issue additional civil penalties on individuals who intentionally violate restrictions on the use of automated telephone equipment (i.e., illegal robocalls and spoofing); and directs the FCC to require voice service providers to offer call authentication technologies (i.e., STIR/SHAKEN) to consumers.

For more information about STIR/SHAKEN and the IP-NNI Task Force and Charter, and to obtain copies of the completed, ratified STIR/SHAKEN specifications, please visit the IP-NNI Task Force Introduction Page.

SIP Forum 2023 Annual General Meeting

The SIP Forum 2023 General Meeting was held on Tuesday, 26 March 2024.

In the meeting, a review of the financial operations was conducted, as well as a review of the operational and technical activities that have occurred over the past 12 months since the last General Meeting. In addition, votes were cast for new board members and for one other voting issue.

View more information about the meeting, including the full text of the 2023 Annual General Meeting Notice.

SIP Forum Ratifies the SIPconnect Technical Recommendation Version 2.0!

The SIP Forum reached an important milestone by formally ratifying Version 2.0 of the SIPconnect Technical Recommendation on November 28, 2016, with the unanimous approval of the SIP Forum Board of Directors.

The formal adoption by the SIP Forum Board of the SIPconnect 2.0 Technical Recommendation is based on recognition that the recommendation has been through credible peer review, including broad membership and significant community review, that it is stable and is well-understood, and that it is believed to have resolved known design choices.

The SIPconnect 2.0 Technical Recommendation is a profile of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and related media aspects that enables direct connectivity between a SIP-enabled Service Provider Network and a SIP-enabled Enterprise Network. It specifies the minimal set of IETF and ITU-T standards that must be supported, provides precise guidance in the areas where the standards leave multiple implementation options, and specifies a minimal set of capabilities that should be supported by the Service Provider and Enterprise Networks.

SIPconnect 2.0 effectively extends SIPconnect 1.1. Where SIPconnect 1.0, and 1.1 focused primarily on basic network registration, identity/privacy management, call originations, call terminations, and advanced services, the 2.0 version adds additional guidance on Security, Emergency Calling, and IPv6.

Where appropriate, recommendations from SIPconnect 1.1 have been left unchanged, although some modifications to prior recommendations have been made based on experience and feedback gathered through adoption of SIPconnect 1.1 in the industry.

View the full text of the SIP connect 2.0 announcement.

View or download the ratified SIPconnect Technical Recommendation Version 2.0.

View more information about the SIPconnect 2.0 Task Group charter.


SIP Forum and BITKOM Partner in the Ongoing Development of SIPconnect

The SIP Forum announced an ongoing alliance with BITKOM, the Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media in Germany, in the development of updates to the SIP Forum’s SIPconnect Technical Specification (currently SIPconnect 2.0).

The formal endorsement of SIPconnect by BITKOM provides valuable technical input and peer review by one of the European Union’s most prominent technical associations, and will help ensure that the next versions of SIPconnect meet the requirements of BITKOM members. As part of the agreement, the two organizations will pool requirements as they work towards an update of their respective SIP trunking specifications.

Read the full text of the SIP Forum and BITKOM Announcement.

Recent News

Upcoming Events with a SIP and IP Communications Technology Focus

The SIP Forum is the proud producer of the SIPNOC, STIR/SHAKEN SUMMIT, KYC SUMMIT and AI SUMMIT conferences, as well as the SIPit Interoperability Testing events, and on occasion a sponsor of a number of other industry events and training courses. When scheduled, event banners will appear below, which you may click on for more information:

Upcoming Events