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HomeSIP Network Operators Conferences (SIPNOC)SIPNOC 2014PresentationsDay Three (June 12, 2014)1. How SIP has made TDOS, Financial Fraud and Other Issues a Major Problem

1. How SIP has made TDOS, Financial Fraud and Other Issues a Major Problem

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  • Last Updated June 17, 2014

1. How SIP has made TDOS, Financial Fraud and Other Issues a Major Problem

How SIP has made TDOS, Financial Fraud and Other Issues a Major Problem. Presented by Mark Collier SecureLogix.

This presentation will cover how SIP and VoIP have made the public voice network much more hostile to enterprises, and will describe the attacks, provide real world examples and case studies, tools sued to executing attacks, and practical countermeasures. The author of the recently completed "McGraw Hill Hacking Exposed: UC and VoIP", in which he covers this, along with many types of attacks, have become much greater threats.

The presentation will focus on attacks made worse due to the availability of SIP, including:

-- Telephony Denial of Service (TDoS) - a flood of unwanted inbound calls, normally to contact centers, ICUs, emergency rooms, and public services

-- Social Engineering/Financial Fraud - using anonymous/spoofed calls and info gathered from social networking, manipulating agents for financial fraud.

-- Various types of fraud and service abuse - call/traffic pumping, toll fraud enabled through automatic call generation, Wangiri, etc.

-- Voice SPAM/Voice Phishing - automatically generated "robocalls" for advertisements, scams, and vishing

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