7. Seeing the Big Picture: Using Smart Analytics and Cloud Computing to Make Sense of Big Data.
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- Create Date June 29, 2015
- Last Updated June 29, 2015
7. Seeing the Big Picture: Using Smart Analytics and Cloud Computing to Make Sense of Big Data.
Presented by Monear Jalal, Edgewater Networks.
Data gleaned from the network can be is rich and abundant. The larger network footprint, the greater the amount of data that is generated and collected. The problem arises when the data collected is not the right type of data or the ability to analyze it in a meaningful way to identify problems on the network or detect security issues is not part of the overall plan.
The big question becomes: What do I do with all that data?
This presentation will emphasize the importance of developing a strong network data collection strategy with a focus on centralizing the collection and analysis of the data in order to determine how to identify, mitigate risk and troubleshoot issues before they become company-wide problems.