09. SIPNOC 2016 Keynote Address: New Frontiers in Multimedia Communications
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- Create Date June 28, 2016
- Last Updated June 28, 2016
09. SIPNOC 2016 Keynote Address: New Frontiers in Multimedia Communications
Presented by Dr. Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University.
While SIP-based communications is still dominated by voice and conference-style video, new challenges and opportunities are emerging.
This keynote addresses four related topics:
1. Phone numbers are no longer the dominant communication identifiers, but no viable alternative has emerged. How should we find, identify and discover participants?
2. Messaging systems using standards such as SIMPLE and XMPP have faded, replaced by closed systems both for consumer and enterprise use. Why did this happen and is there a role for a standards-based, open collaboration system?
3. Communications services for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing are changing more than they have in the past decade. Real-time text, automated speech-to-text systems and partial replacement of relay services by direct consumer-to-enterprise American Sign Language communication offers new opportunities for better services and may impact what enterprise call center applications and smartphones are expected to be capable of.
4. One of the most valuable Internet of Things applications is video, whether the video feed is streaming traffic data or watching a pet at home. How can we better integrate IOT with SIP-based applications?