VoIP Interconnection over the Public Internet (ATIS-1000100)
This Technical Report describes a profile for Voice over IP (VoIP) Service Providers (SPs) who choose to interconnect over the public Internet. It recommends mechanisms for establishing Internet Protocol (IP)…
Read MoreRobocall Call Blocking Notification (ATIS-1000099)
This document defines a mechanism that provides real-time notification in the backward call direction (towards the calling party), that the associated call was blocked by the indicated voice service provider…
Read MoreNational Security / Emergency Preparedness Priority Service Session Initiation Protocol Resource-Priority Header (SIP RPH) Signing and Verification using PASSporTs (ATIS-1000078)
This standard defines how the extension to the IETF Personal Assertion Token (PASSporT) [IETF RFC 8443, PASSporT Extension for Resource-Priority Authorization] and the associated Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR) mechanisms…
Read MoreSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) Resource-Priority Header (RPH) and Priority Header Signing in Support of Emergency Calling (ATIS-1000098)
This standard defines how the IETF Personal Assertion Token (PASSporT) Extension for Resource-Priority Authorization [IETF RFC 8443, PASSporT Extension for Resource-Priority Authorization], with the extensions defined in RFC 9027, Assertion…
Read MoreSignature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs (SHAKEN): Calling Name and Rich Call Data Handling Procedures (ATIS-1000094)
Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs (SHAKEN) is an industry framework for managing and deploying Secure Telephone Identity (STI) technologies with the purpose of providing end-to-end cryptographic authentication and…
Read MoreATIS Standard on Toll-Free Numbers in the SHAKEN Framework (ATIS-1000093)
This document is intended to cover calls using Toll-Free Numbers (TFNs) within the SHAKEN Framework. This addresses calls where the calling party number displayed in the Caller ID is a…
Read MoreMechanism for Initial Cross-Border Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs (SHAKEN)-(ATIS-1000087)
This document provides telephone service providers with a framework and guidance on how to use Secure Telephone Identity (STI) technologies on IP-based service provider voice networks (also to be referred…
Read MoreA Framework for SHAKEN Attestation and Origination Identifier (ATIS-1000088)
This technical report provides a framework for SHAKEN (ATIS-1000074-E, [Ref. 1]) attestation and granularity of the Origination Identifier. Published 2020-02-13.
Read MoreStudy of Full Attestation Alternatives for Enterprises and Business Entities with Multi-Homing and Other Arrangements (ATIS-1000089.v002)
This Technical Report describes use cases where a Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs (SHAKEN) Originating Service Provider (OSP) may not have complete locally available information to establish a…
Read MoreMechanism for International Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs (SHAKEN)- ATIS-1000091
This document provides telephone service providers with a framework and guidance on how to use Secure Telephone Identity (STI) technologies on IP-based service provider voice networks (also to be referred…
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