2. You Could be Under Fire and Not Even Know It. Presented by Michael Reiman, Edgewater Networks.
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- Create Date June 29, 2015
- Last Updated June 29, 2015
2. You Could be Under Fire and Not Even Know It. Presented by Michael Reiman, Edgewater Networks.
SIP attacks are the dirty little secret that no wants to talk about. Or is it that most don't even know it's happening to them?
While nearly all networks are protected by a firewall and security protocols that are set up to protect the network from intrusion, that may be the only line of defense. Hackers are relentless and their tools of attacking a network are becoming increasingly sophisticated, with the ability to ping a system so often for such a consecutive period of time that it can bog down the network, limiting the amount of bandwidth that a business should have complete control over.
But what happens when that hacker is able to infiltrate the system? Toll fraud, network outages, costly downtime? And when do you find out this happens? The answer is typically after-the-fact, when the damage has been done.
This discussion will focus on how to prevent your organization and your customers from being victims of SIP attacks, how to take the level of protection of your system up a several notches and stay off the statistics list.