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The Galician Research and Development Centre in Advanced Telecommunication (GRADIANT) was founded in December 2007 by eleven companies of the ICT Galician sector (Arantia, Arteixo Telecom, Egatel, Gsertel, Indra, Ineo, R, Telefónica, Televés, Tredess y Tele2 Comunitel), the Consellería de Industria da Xunta de Galicia (Regional Industry Ministry of Galicia Regional Government) and the three Galician universities (A Coruña, Santiago and Vigo). 51% of GRADIANT foundational capital is private, taking the legal formula of “nonprofit private foundation.

GRADIANT was born from the expertise of two leader research and transfer groups from the Higher Technical School Of Telecommunication Engineering of Vigo, from the Department of Signal Theory and Communications and the Department of Telematic Engineering as well. Both research groups have received the consolidatedhallmark from the Galicia regional government (Xunta de Galicia), being the only Galician ones who have received it within the Telecommunications sector.

For more information about Gradiant’s lines of research in digital communications and applications and networks, please visit the Gradiant website.

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