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HomeColumbia University — Fu Foundation School of Engineering & Applied Science

Columbia University — Fu Foundation School of Engineering & Applied Science

A unique educational opportunity, Columbia University’s Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) offers programs to both undergraduate and graduate students who undertake a course of study leading to the bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree in engineering and applied science.

Combining the advantages of small programs with the extensive resources of a major research university, students at the School pursue their academic interests under the guidance of outstanding senior faculty members who teach both undergraduate and graduate level courses.

The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science occupies three laboratory and classroom buildings at the north end of the campus, including the Schapiro Center for Engineering and Physical Science Research. Because of the School’s close proximity to the other Morningside facilities and programs, Columbia engineering students have ready access to the whole of the University’s resources.

Comprising multiple programs of study, with facilities specifically designed and equipped to meet the laboratory and research needs of both undergraduate and graduate students, the School is the site of an almost overwhelming array of basic and advanced research installations, from the Columbia Center for Electron Transport in Molecular Nanostructures to the Columbia Genome Center.

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