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HomeNews & EventsSIP Forum NewsUncategorizedSIP Forum Announces New SIP Trunking Interoperability Initiative – SIPconnect Interoperability Testing – for Support of SIPconnect 1.1 Technical Recommendation

SIP Forum Announces New SIP Trunking Interoperability Initiative – SIPconnect Interoperability Testing – for Support of SIPconnect 1.1 Technical Recommendation

SIPconnect-IT Initiative Designed to Accelerate SIP Trunking Interoperability in Enterprise and Carrier Networks Utilizing the SIPconnect 1.1 Specification

NORTH ANDOVER, MA (February 1, 2012) – The SIP Forum announced today a new technical initiative – SIPconnect-IT – aimed at demonstrating and accelerating vendor and service provider interoperability with the SIPconnect 1.1 Technical Specification, which was ratified by the SIP Forum earlier this year. The initiative will feature a series of testing events designed to provide application developers, equipment vendors and operators from across the telecommunications ecosystem a platform from which to demonstrate and test implementations of this SIP trunking interoperability specification in live, real world scenarios.

CableLabs will host the first SIPconnect-IT testing event, planned for mid-2012 in Louisville, Colorado. To prepare for this testing event, the SIP Forum will hold a SIPconnect-IT Developers Workshop, a planning session for SIP Forum membership and other stakeholders, March 6 and 7, 2012. The workshop will help SIP Forum and CableLabs leadership prepare the test plans and logistical processes required for hosting the first testing event in mid-2012.

For more information about the SIPconnect-IT initiative, please visit the SIP Forum’s SIPconnect-IT page at:

“The ratification of the SIPconnect 1.1 technical recommendation earlier this year represents a significant step forward for the adoption of a common interoperability specification for seamless, end-to-end interoperability between SIP-enabled IP-PBXs and service provider networks across the globe,” said Marc Robins, SIP Forum President and Managing Director. “SIPconnect-IT represents the next step and is designed to transform these specs into action and to ensure IP applications and infrastructure utilizing the SIPconnect 1.1 guidelines can be implemented in live telecom environments.”

The SIPconnect 1.1 Technical Recommendation, ratified by the SIP Forum Board of Directors in March 2011, provides a framework for direct IP peering between SIP-enabled enterprises and service provider networks, ensuring the interoperability of network elements across the IP environment and providing best-practices guidelines for vendors and service providers as they develop new equipment and IP applications for deployment. It features an array of enhancements from Version 1.0, including more comprehensive guidelines about security and SIP end-point and media endpoint functionality, as well as standards-based support for both static (DNS-based) and registration (SIP REGISTER-based) modes of operation incorporating the newly approved RFC 6140.

SIPconnect 1.1 contributing companies included Acme Packet, AT&T, Avaya,, Boeing, Broadsoft, CableLabs, Cablevision, Cbeyond, Cisco, Columbia University, Comcast Cable, Cox Communications, Digium, Encore Software, GENBAND, Global Crossing, Huawei, Ingate Systems, MetaSwitch, Microsoft, NeuStar, Nokia, Nortel, PAETEC, Panasonic, Pbxnsip, Polycom, Radvision, Samsung, Siemens Enterprise Communications, Sonus Networks, Tekelec, Tele2 Nederland, Voxeo, and XO Communications.

For more information about the SIPconnect Technical Recommendation Version 1.1, please visit the SIP Forum’s main SIPconnect page at:

About the SIP Forum

The SIP Forum is an IP communications industry association that engages in numerous activities that promote and advance SIP-based technology, such as the development of industry recommendations, the SIPit interoperability and testing events, special interoperability workshops, educational seminars, and general promotion of SIP in the industry. One of the Forum’s notable technical activities is the development of the SIPconnect Technical Recommendation — a standards-based recommendation that provides detailed guidelines for direct IP peering and interoperability between IP PBXs and VoIP service provider networks. The SIPconnect Compliant Certification Program is an associated program through which eligible companies can gain SIPconnect validation and the right to license the use of the SIP Forum’s ‘SIPconnect Compliant’ certification mark — the official brand of the leading standard for SIP Trunking products and services. Other important Forum initiatives include work in Fax-over-IP interoperability, User Agent Configuration, video interoperability, and SIP and IPv6. For more information, please visit:

Media Contact

John Gates
Elevate Communications
(617) 861-3651
m: (617) 548-8972


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