2004 SIP Forum General Meeting Results
BOSTON, MA, USA (October 20, 2004) — The SIP Forum today announced the successful conclusion of its annual General Meeting. This meeting, required by the ByLaws of the organization, was held today simultaneously with the Pulver.com Voice on the Net (VON) exhibition in Boston.
During the meeting, several items were accomplished:
- Financial review. The Chairman of the meeting presented a review of the financial condition of the Forum, which is very healthy.
- Annual plan review. The Chairman then provided a brief overview of the accomplishments of the past 12 months, and the plan for what the Forum intends to accomplish in the coming 12 months.
- Election of Board Members. Out of eight Board of Director seats, five were up for election. A successful election was held to elect these five members.
- By Laws changes adopted. Based on the experience in operating the Forum since its inception, the outgoing Board of Directors had recommended to the membership that various changes be made to the By Laws to simplify operation. These recommended changes were passed.
- Other administrative matters were attended to.
The new Board of Directors members elected included three new members, and two members that were re-elected. The new members are Dr. Alan Johnston (MCI), Jim Kruger (Polycom), and Anwar Siddiqui (Avaya). Returning are Dave Oran (Cisco) and Robert Sparks (Xten).
A complete package of materials distributed at the Board meeting is available online at the SIP Forum website.