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HomeIETF DraftsA P-Served-User Header Field Parameter for Originating CDIV session case in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

A P-Served-User Header Field Parameter for Originating CDIV session case in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

This specification defines a new parameter of the P-Served-User header field in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). This new “orig-cdiv” parameter defines the session case used by a proxy when handling an originating session after Call Diversion (CDIV) services has been invoked for the served user. The P-Served-User header field is defined in RFC5502 to convey the identity of the served user and the session case that applies to this particular communication session and application invocation. This document updates RFC5502 to add the “originating after CDIV” session case and to provide more guidance for using the P-Served-User header field in IP networks that were missing in RFC5502.

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