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The SIP Forum Announces FCC Chief Technology Officer Henning Schulzrinne Keynote Speaker for SIPNOC US 2012

SIP Visionary Schulzrinne to address the worldwide service provider community on SIP technology and opportunities facing the IP communications industry

NORTH ANDOVER, MA (March 5, 2012) – The SIP Forum announced today Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Henning Schulzrinne as the keynote speaker for the second annual SIP Network Operators Conference (SIPNOC), being held at the Hyatt Dulles Hotel in Herndon, VA, June 25-27, 2012.

SIPNOC US 2012 will host an international audience focused on the operational and technical aspects of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) in service provider networks and issues critical to the reliable and successful deployment and operation of SIP-based services in carrier networks. The agenda will feature special presentations, panel discussions and workshops covering key topics by network operators related to SIP-based services and infrastructure, including testing, application development, SIP trunking, FoIP, call routing and peering, troubleshooting and monitoring, emergency services and more. The event website is located at

“I’m excited to be able to talk about the challenges and opportunities of moving to an all-IP network to this international audience of network operational and technical professionals,” said Schulzrinne. “As part of my participation in SIPNOC US 2012, I hope to gain a richer perspective on the future of SIP-enabled communications among service providers.”

“The SIP Forum is delighted to have Henning keynote this year’s SIPNOC event,” said Richard Shockey, Chairman of the Board of the SIP Forum. “Henning is universally acclaimed as the Father of the SIP standard. We have come a long way since the first SIP specification was adopted in 1999, and we still have much work to do. We look forward to hearing Henning’s insights on where we are headed.”

As CTO of the FCC, Schulzrinne guides the organization’s work on technology and engineering issues, together with the FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology. He advises on matters across the agency to ensure that FCC policies are driving technological innovation, including serving as a resource to FCC Commissioners. Schulzrinne joined the FCC in 2010 as an Engineering Fellow.

Schulzrinne serves as Julian Clarence Levi Professor of Mathematical Methods and Computer Science and Professor of Engineering at The Fu Foundation School of Engineering at Columbia University. Over the course of his career, he has published more than 250 journal and conference papers and more than 70 Internet Requests for Comment (RFCs) – working to shape the key protocols for enabling voice-over-IP (VoIP) and other multimedia applications, including the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) which have become Internet Standards. His research interests include Internet multimedia systems, applied network engineering, wireless networks, security, quality of service, and performance evaluation.

“Mr. Schulzrinne is one of the key architects of the SIP standard, and a leading mind in the IP communications industry. We are simply thrilled to have him take part in this year’s SIPNOC event,” said Marc Robins, SIP Forum President and Managing Director.

SIPNOC US 2012 will build on themes first discussed at last year’s inaugural event: addressing issues critical to the reliable and successful deployment and operation of SIP-based services in carrier networks and the opportunities that come with it. Among the topics expected to be on the agenda at this year’s conference are SIP trunking interoperability and the SIP Forum’s recently ratified SIPconnect 1.1 technical specification that provides a definitive and standardized set of guidelines for seamless, end-to-end interoperability between SIP-enabled IP-PBXs and service provider networks. Other themes to be discussed include Fax over Internet protocol (FoIP) interworking, implementing SIP with IPv6, and the sharing of best practices for the utilization of Wireshark for network diagnostics within IP network environments.

Attendees at SIPNOC US 2012 will include engineers and network architects from telecommunications providers, major backbone operators, interconnect and wholesale solution providers, ISPs, cable operators, wireless network operators as well as large enterprises deploying major SIP initiatives. At last year’s SIPNOC 2011, informational presentations were made by a number of professionals from organizations such as Comcast Cable, Cox Communications, Sprint Nextel, CableLabs and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Dr. Douglas C. Sicker, Chief Technologist at the Federal Communications Commission, provided the keynote speech.

For more information about SIPNOC US 2012, please visit or send an email to

Register Today – $100 Discount for Limited Time

Registration for SIPNOC US 2012 is now open, and for a limited time attendees can take advantage of a special $100 discount off the regular registration rate by entering code “sipnocus12100” on the initial registration page. To register visit

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

For information about corporate sponsorship opportunities at SIPNOC US 2012, please contact Marc Robins, SIP Forum President and Managing Director, at +1-203-829-6307 or email

About the SIP Forum

The SIP Forum is an IP communications industry association that engages in numerous activities that promote and advance SIP-based technology, such as the development of industry recommendations, the SIPit interoperability and testing events, special interoperability workshops, educational seminars, and general promotion of SIP in the industry. One of the Forum’s notable technical activities is the development of the SIPconnect Technical Recommendation – a standards-based recommendation that provides detailed guidelines for direct IP peering and interoperability between IP PBXs and VoIP service provider networks. The SIPconnect Compliant Certification Program is an associated program through which eligible companies can gain SIPconnect validation and the right to license the use of the SIP Forum’s ‘SIPconnect Compliant’ certification mark – the official brand of the leading standard for SIP Trunking products and services. Other important Forum initiatives include work in Fax-over-IP interoperability, User Agent Configuration, video interoperability, and SIP and IPv6. For more information, please visit:

Media Contact

John Gates
Elevate Communications
(617) 861-3651
m: (617) 548-8972


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